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The pages section represents all pages a user could be able to visit. The filename should be <rawname>.php, where <rawname> is a lowercase identifiert. Pages for administrative purposes should begin with "admin_".

The first line of a page PHP file should always be the following:




Additionally is it possible to add the "nonlogin" paramter, to define that a page can be used without being logged in. See FontAwesome for icons.

Security Check

To verify that the file was included by GExtension, it's required to include the following code after the first line:

		die(json_encode(array("error" => "authentification failed")));


After creating a page, it is available under index.php?t=<rawname>. <rawname> is the name of the file without ".php".

You may want to allow a common page for all groups. Run this command in your install.php:

Permissions::AllowPagesForEveryone($rawname1, $rawname2, ...);

Check out existing pages for examples.